ristorante-osteria-capra-specialita-2 Emilian specialties - Osteria Della Capra restaurant in Reggio Emilia
ristorante-osteria-capra-specialita-5 Emilian specialties - Osteria Della Capra restaurant in Reggio Emilia
ristorante-osteria-della-capra-intrepida-dolcezza Emilian specialties - Osteria Della Capra restaurant in Reggio Emilia
New Year's Eve 1985

Risotto with parmesan and truffle fondue.
Dedicated to Luigi Veronelli, a friend, mentor and teacher.

ristorante-osteria-capra-specialita-2 Emilian specialties - Osteria Della Capra restaurant in Reggio Emilia

Braised Limousine beef born in Italy raised in the upper Val d'Enza (free grazing without feed) with polenta flans and polenta taragna with rosemary aroma.

ristorante-osteria-capra-specialita-5 Emilian specialties - Osteria Della Capra restaurant in Reggio Emilia
Intrepid sweetness

Our apple pie (with apples from our garden!) accompanied by apple purée, Saba's tears and warm Spergola zabaglione.

ristorante-osteria-della-capra-intrepida-dolcezza Emilian specialties - Osteria Della Capra restaurant in Reggio Emilia
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The magic of


High-quality ingredients and respect for tradition are the main elements of our cuisine, where aromas and flavors are expertly blended to create refined dishes. Among the many options on our menu, you’ll find tortelli, tagliatelle, bauletti, garganelli… and many other dishes made with fresh pasta.
Main courses based on meat and more, inspired by local culinary traditions.
Our desserts follow grandma’s recipes: special cakes and delightful treats that graced the table on Sundays and holidays!
Everything is crafted in Capra! Even in our cakes and sweets, we infuse a sense of love and sweetness, the quest for taste and flavor, and the tenderness of reliving the memory of timeless delicacies.

Emilian Trio

Tortelli are a typical dish of our Reggio land, fresh pasta filled with herbs, pumpkin, mushrooms…
Traditionally, they are served with butter, and at Osteria della Capra, they are always accompanied by soffritto… the seasoning of rural heritage.

Stelle Filanti

Fresh egg pasta, lambrusco sauce, spinach, tomato sauce, seasoned with butter, culatello and black truffle.

Capodanno 1985

Risotto with Parmesan fondue and truffle.
Dedicated to Luigi Veronelli, a friend, a mentor, and a master!

Chunks of guinea fowl

Chunks of guinea fowl(Italian, free-range with only natural feed) braised with vegetables and pomegranate(from our garden) accompanied by steamed kale and pomegranate sauce.

La torta in cantina

Made according to the oldest recipe in total respect for tradition. “Once upon a time” that we still do like this…


Rose of hazelnut mousse(from our 100-year-old tree!) with raspberry puree accompanied by dark cookie, drops of grape sauce and pears cooked in Ancellotta must



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